Leeds - Cumulative Impact Policy Tested

05 Feb


On Monday 28th January Bluedene Ltd’s Leeds premises “Players” located in the heart of the Cumulative Impact Area on Albion Street, successfully obtained a 1 hour extension of their licence.

Represented by John Gaunt & Partners before the Committee, Players was able to demonstrate an excellent trading record with very low incidents of a Crime and Disorder description.

Since the bar opening in Leeds in late 2010, the premises has consistently shown strong management and excellent customer care creating a safe environment for a night out in Leeds. The excellent trading was borne out in Police data produced at the hearing.

Despite objections to the Application from West Yorkshire Police and residential sources, Players was able to convince the Committee that the proposed extension would in no way add to the Cumulative Impact of other premises in the area.

After careful consideration, the Committee agreed. With this decision the Committee signalled that the Cumulative Impact Policy is not designed to prevent all developments.  Those Operators able to show excellent track records would be afforded the opportunity to expand and increase their positive impact on the late night scene in Leeds. 

Gordon Codona, Director of Bluedene Ltd, stated:

“This success is a result of very hard work by the team at Player’s Leeds. I am delighted with the outcome which reflects our Company’s philosophy of providing fun, exciting yet safe venues for our Customers. Tim (Shield) and Chris (Grunert) from John Gaunt & Partners, who represent our business nationally, represent another element of our “team” and are a great source of advice and assistance.”


Law correct at the date of publication.
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